Resources - 28 Days To Clean
Use the page numbers in the blocks to navigate to the page that mentions a resource in either book. GREEN blocks refer to the original book. BLUE blocks refer to the EXPRESS book. There are also resources listed below that aren't specifically mentioned in the books but you may find useful. If you think a resource could be added, please email
PG 10
On page 10 of the book, I talk about my first blog post on clean eating. It was titled "The Low Ingredient Diet", and you can read that original, 2010 blog post by clicking HERE.

Also, on the 90/10 Nutrition Blog, I did a series of articles comparing clean eating to other diets that you may find useful. You can find the first one in the series HERE.
PG 12
For a full overview of the 90/10 system, simply go to our Academy. You can get a free account and go through a few simple videos to help you understand how 90/10 works.
NOTE: Again, for those doing the book, don't get hung up on this now if it feels overwhelming even in the slightest. Do the book first.
PG 12
For some great reading on how our food system got to the current state, I recommend you read either "The Omnivore's Dilemma" or "In Defense of Food", both by Michael Pollan. The first one is a bit more in depth in parts and the second is a little less deep but more focused. Both are great, but if you're only going to read one, I think "In Defense of Food" is the best as a supplement to this book. The book titles are hyperlinked to Amazon above.
PG 13-14
You can find printable versions, online versions, and searchable versions of the 90/10 tiers at THIS LINK.
PG 14
The references for the ingredient information for the three products listed on page 14 is also in the references section of the book on page 182, but I thought I'd also place clickable links here on the resources page:

Kellogg’s® Smart Start® Strong Heart Antioxidants cereal smart label ingredients section, accessed on 6/13/19, listing of Nabisco Wheat Thins Original Crackers (now discontinued and replaced with a 100% whole grain version), accessed on 6/13/19,

Lean Cuisine Chicken Fettucine product information page, accessed on 6/13/19,
PG 16
For an additional example of how important ingredients are (compared to the other information on a nutrition label), check out the little quiz example on this blog post.
PG 18
For a full overview of the 90/10 system, simply go to our Academy. You can get a free account and go through a few simple videos to help you understand how 90/10 works.
NOTE: Again, for those doing the book, don't get hung up on this now if it feels overwhelming even in the slightest. Do the book first.
PG 19-20
You can find printable versions, online versions, and searchable versions of the 90/10 tiers at THIS LINK.
PG 24-25
For more information on grass-fed beef and why it is better than conventional beef, see this article.

Also, if you're interested in trying ButcherBox (which is what I personally use), give it a try with this link.
PG 26
For chicken, pork, and fish from ButcherBox, use this link.
PG 28
WEEK 1 SHOPPING LIST (28 Days To Clean EXPRESS): Click the button to download a printable pdf version of the WEEK 1 shopping list located on page 28 of the EXPRESS book.
PG 28-30
For more in depth info on how stress affects digestion and weight loss, see this article.
PG 30
These glasses on Amazon are my favorite blue light blockers. You can also read more info on the blog about blue light and sleep in this article.
PG 38
PRINTABLE: Click the button to download a printable pdf version of the daily action items checklist located on page 38 of the book.
PG 39
PRINTABLE: Click the button to download a printable pdf version of the daily worksheet located on page 39 of the book.
PG 40
WEEK 2 SHOPPING LIST (28 Days To Clean EXPRESS): Click the button to download a printable pdf version of the WEEK 2 shopping list located on page 40 of the EXPRESS book.
PG 43
You'll notice that we use an Instant Pot for a lot of things (hard-boiled eggs, rice, and some of the actual meals). If you don't have one, but want to get one, you can get one here.
PG 44
WEEK 1 SHOPPING LIST: Click the button to download a printable pdf version of the WEEK 1 shopping list located on page 44 of the book.
PG 55
You'll notice that we use an Instant Pot for a lot of things (hard-boiled eggs, rice, and some of the actual meals). If you don't have one, but want to get one, you can get one here.
PG 52
WEEK 3 SHOPPING LIST (28 Days To Clean EXPRESS): Click the button to download a printable pdf version of the WEEK 3 shopping list located on page 52 of the EXPRESS book.
PG 56
WEEK 2 SHOPPING LIST: Click the button to download a printable pdf version of the WEEK 2 shopping list located on page 56 of the book.
PG 64
WEEK 4 SHOPPING LIST (28 Days To Clean EXPRESS): Click the button to download a printable pdf version of the WEEK 4 shopping list located on page 64 of the EXPRESS book.
PG 67
You'll notice that we use an Instant Pot for a lot of things (hard-boiled eggs, rice, and some of the actual meals). If you don't have one, but want to get one, you can get one here.
PG 68
WEEK 3 SHOPPING LIST: Click the button to download a printable pdf version of the WEEK 3 shopping list located on page 68 of the book.
PG 73
SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME: If you'd like to share your story with me, email!
PG 79
You'll notice that we use an Instant Pot for a lot of things (hard-boiled eggs, rice, and some of the actual meals). If you don't have one, but want to get one, you can get one here.
PG 80
WEEK 4 SHOPPING LIST: Click the button to download a printable pdf version of the WEEK 4 shopping list located on page 80 of the book.
PG 92
LEARN 90/10 FOR FREE: Click here to go through our online Academy for FREE. You can simply click the button on that page to get a free account if you don't have one.
GET A FREE TRIAL OF THE FULL MEMBERSHIP: Click here to get a 3-week free trial of our full membership as mentioned on page 92 of the book.
PG 93
SHARE YOUR STORY WITH ME: If you'd like to share your story with me, email!
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